Sistema de Gestión en Inocuidad Alimentaria ISO 22001.Sistema de Gestion Antisoborno ISO 37001.Laboratorios de Ensayo y Calibración ISO 17025.Responsabilidad Social Empresarial SA 8000.Sistema de Gestión en Seguridad Vial ISO 39001.Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo ISO 45001.Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad ISO 9001.Make sure you have all the documents on your disk and that you need to complete the game installation before downloading anything.

Go back to Epic Launcher and tap on the game to continue downloading. Now go back to the folder containing the game documents on the new disk, delete the new folder (in this case “Fortnight”) and name the folder “Fortnite”. Epic does not install the game in any existing folder, so you need to name the song and dance.Īs soon as the installation starts, tap the Download tab in the Epic Launcher sidebar and press the X button to cancel the installation. Now select the desired location on the new disk (except the “1” you added). Tap the game to restart the installation process. The game must be “deleted” immediately because the file no longer exists.

Open the Epic Games Store, tap the three dots at the bottom of the game and select Delete. Then rename the folder, in which case something like “Fortnite1” will work. First locate the folder where the selected game is installed (for example) and move this folder to a new location (for example).